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Kevin Pietz

Single particle tracking allows us to look at the transport properties of proteins in the cell. This lets us shed light on how proteins behave in live cells. I use particle tracking to better understand ribosomes and the proteins they interact with. Outside the lab, I enjoy rock climbing and crocheting.
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Yunpeng Li

I joined the Regot lab as a master’s student in September 2023. In my free time, I enjoy playing squash, going on hikes, and keeping different kinds of invertebrate pets. My current research focuses on how ERK and MAPK signaling in general regulate cell cycle and cytoskeletal components. The link between ERK signaling, cell cycle,[...]
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Adler Guerrero Zuniga

Aneuploidy is defined as a whole chromosome imbalance, and it is observed in about 90% of tumors. It is believed that whole genome doubling is a precursor to aneuploidy. With the use of single cell biosensors and single molecule localization microscopy, I aim to further investigate the genesis of aneuploidy in healthy cells and then[...]
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Sergi Regot

Sergi Regot
I have always been fascinated by how molecules are used to monitor cellular or environmental parameters, relay information, and execute appropriate responses. As a graduate student I used yeast as a model to study osmostress response. In the process I learned about MAP Kinases and the astonishing amount of cell-to-cell variation that governs all aspects[...]
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Duk Yoon Lee

Hello! I am a research technician who is acting lab manager and oversees the Regot lab mouse colony. Currently, I maintain cell lines and actively support graduate and undergraduate students with research endeavors and work to improve the lab. After graduating from University of Maryland Baltimore County, I began working in the Regot lab in[...]
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Ben Veresko

Ben Veresko
Research technician assisting with single molecule experiments. Currently, I am helping investigate how stressors and the formation of stress granules impact macromolecular crowding. By using the HaloTag and high resolution microscopy, we have been able to track individual proteins and alter their dynamics by subjecting cells to different stressors (osmotic, ribotoxic, etc.). This has enabled[...]
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Alain Phung

Alain Phung
I am an undergraduate student working on a few projects around the lab! I am currently investigating ERK pathway dynamics using fluorescent biosensors in regards to how elements of the signaling cascade interact to generate pulses of activity. I am also involved in the lab’s work with macromolecular crowding and live cell screening of inhibitor[...]
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Vera-Marie Dunlock

Vera Marie-Dunlock
My research focuses on understanding how antigen discrimination allows T cells to avert autoimmunity while still mounting potent responses against infected and transformed cells. In order to achieve this, T cells rely on a network of intricately connected and multilayered signaling pathways. Though the main players have been well characterized, the temporal dynamics regulating the[...]
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Connor McKenney

Connor McKenney
Some cells in our body receive constant growth signals, such as in the intestine or the skin. However, they also face stresses such as DNA and RNA damage from UV light or inflammatory signals from neighboring cells. I am interested in studying how these pro- and anti-growth signals are integrated by cells, and how competing[...]
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